Els significats de l'art / _Interview /

Video fragments: “Conversation 1: Margarida Aritzeta”

In the past, people distinguished between artisans and artists. Those people who learned a task and that mastered techniques were good artisans. When the beauty of the results was obvious, then they were considered artists.
But the border between the artisan, those who learn techniques, and the artist, those who quickly surpass the technique and contribute an added value, is a border that is not based on social consensus.
In fact, we are really talking about this, about consensus and conventions. We are talking about, about ways of living art and ways of accepting it. It is not something that comes to us as a given from some great beyond, nor is it a priori. In fact, it is a game. It is a game of acceptance, a game of methods and, therefore, it is a game of tastes that chage throughout, throughout the years. Even things that have been produced as purely utilitarian, afterwards have artistic value, right?
The norms of art exist but are obsolete at the same time in which we employ them. Based on this idea, the only thing we do is repeat. When we do something truly singular that is when we transcend that traditional knowledge. One could say that the goal is to continually update the norms of art, make them come alive and transform them because if not, they it doesn’t work.
The banality of the word art in these diverse fields makes it more accessible and less transcendent. It is easier to grasp, not like when they present you with Art, with a capital ‘A’, where only a few are the chosen ones.
You can enter any, any… any art class based on your experience, and you don’t imagine that you should be different than the others for having entered, do you? You enter, one may say, through the back door, without trauma, without… without the need to receive a special education directed towards very special people.
