Friday 22nd at 5pm > Visit to “La formació d’un Museu” (The Formation of a Museum) in l’Aparador of Joan Abelló Museum

20 . 02 . 2013

Central pages of the exhibition newspaper


La formació d’un Museu (The Formation of a Musem) enquires in the conditons that allowed the configuration of Joan Abelló Museum, as well as in the economical, urbanistical, polítical, social and simbolical effects that this institution triggered.

You can download the newspaper from here (sorry only Spanish and Catalan)

And check the progress of this intervention here and there

Dear Friend,
If you happen to be in Barcelona, this Friday 22nd February at 5pm there will be a guided visit to La formació d’un Museu (The Formation of a Musem)in l’Aparador del Museu Abelló (the display window of the Museum). This exhibition will be running until the 3rd March and started on the 13th December. It is part of the cycle De com convertir un museu en arena (How to Turn a Museum into an Arena) by Oriol Fontdevila.


Meeting place for going to Mollet: Renfe Passeig de Gràcia Train Station. Infront of the ticket sale shack in Aragó corner with Pau Clarís

Time: 5pm

Finishin time: aprox 8:30pm

If you come later:
Renfe, Route C2  –  Train StopMollet-Sant Fost

How to arrive:

1 Comment

  1. 27 . 07 . 2015 .

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